Entrepreneur's Handbook 💰
Purpose & Vision


Entrepreneurship is less about tactics and more about the mindset. Success in this field is majorly determined by how you think and approach challenges. It's crucial to understand that the primary barrier to success is often yourself. Habits, focus, and management of personal and professional life play a significant role in determining an entrepreneur's success.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, highlights the importance of being bold and taking calculated risks. He suggests that entrepreneurs should be ready to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. This aligns with the idea that success in entrepreneurship is not just about the right strategies but also about the right mindset to persevere and learn from failures.

If you have trouble not watching tv, or struggle to not eat bad food or not focus, that needs to change. Tactics are all over the internet, the reason you haven't done any, is because you can't network, think, and work like a successful entrepreneur.

Learn proper eating habits, learning to wake up in the morning at the same time. Writing a schedule. Planning your day. Setting goals and reaching those goals. The tactics, the in-between, aren't that important if you can't sit down and work.

Don't go on Facebook, don't get involved in politics. Stop things in your life to focus on what will make you successful. Don't do 10 different things, focus on your goal. Figure out your mind.


Fear Nothing And No One. Get Rich. Remember To Give It All Away. Getting rich means sacrifice. You must be willing to fail. You can't care about what others think. You must be willing to work long hours. You must treat it as a game. Fear destroys ambition far more effectively than any obstacle you’ll encounter along the way. To get rich, you must master your loss aversion demons and learn to take smart risks repeatedly. There are a few things that can help conquer fear:

  • Define your fear of the unknown.
  • Try living out your worst-case scenario.
  • Learn to take small actions to curb fear.
  • Realize you fear a downside that doesn’t really exist.

Felix Dennis' advice?

"Fear nothing. Another easy-to-say and impossible piece of advice. Tough luck, chum. Life’s a bitch and then you die. Get used to it. It isn’t going to change anytime soon… You cannot banish fear, but you can face it down, stomp on it, crush it, bury it, padlock it into the deepest recesses of your heart and soul and leave it there to rot."

Make yourself independent. Go out on your own and cut loose all those who are negative influences and naysayers. Fear nothing and no one. Get rich. Give it all away.

Time Management & Focus

Effective time management and focus are critical. Many employees struggle to be productive in a typical 8-hour workday, often due to distractions and poor time management. Limiting distractions like social media and focusing on deep work can significantly increase productivity.

You can get so much done in a short amount of time depending on your focus. Don't check your phone, don't go on social media, just work. Most people lack time and focus management. Checking social media mid work sets you back roughly 15 minutes. Once you focus on learning your bad habits, you will learn a lot about yourself. You will see terribly ugly things bout yourself, how dysfunctional you are and have horrible habits.

Sam Ovens, a successful entrepreneur, suggests in his video "Death By 1,000 Cuts: How You Waste Time" that most people unknowingly waste significant amounts of time on unproductive activities. By cutting out these distractions, one can drastically improve their efficiency and output.

Streamlining Life for Success

If you become 10x more effective when you work, you need to spend less time working. It is that simple. Streamlining life involves removing unnecessary distractions and focusing on activities that align with your goals. This includes:

Remove your phone and close all other tabs other than work. Remove all possibility for others to communicate with you. Nothing is so important on those platforms that you must break your train of thought. Remove your T.V. Stop Drinking. Optimise your life and your focus. Set up for the next day and mitigate eating and cleaning.

Get a Journal and write down your goals for the day. Streamline your day by doing this. Next, give up your bad habits. Know when you want to wake up and when you want to go to sleep. How would you build a business without discipline?

Make as many decisions at the end of the previous day because decision fatigue will mean your work in the morning will be affected if you don't. Get up, have your clothes laid out every day. Have your Journal laid out with everything that you will be doing for the day already written out. You are not above this.

Have water. Have coffee already set up. Have your morning routine sorted out. Plan your day out to the hour, and remove distracting things. Get your work done as fast as possible. This is so you can live your life when you're done.

Suggest looking into intermittent fasting -- digestion is massive drain on your brain. This way you will spend less time eating, and your brain isn't weighed down, and you won't eat until you're done working. You'll eact the same calories, just at different times of the day. Intermittent fasting is also good, as it puts your body through ketosis.

At the end of the day, reflect on what you've done, and what you need to do tomorrow and write a list in your journal. Lay out the clothes for the next day. Wind down, and prepare for tomorrow.

Use healthy life habits. Take vitamins, go to bed at the right time. Don't watch TV before bed. If you don't sacrifice them, they will sacrifice what you want to do to be successful.

Building a Network

Engaging with like-minded individuals and building a network of peers is crucial. Networking allows for the exchange of ideas and perspectives, fostering a growth-oriented mindset.

Dive into What is Uncomfortable

You will never find success if you're always looking for an out. Someone with an exit button will press it and quit when things get difficult. And the fact of the matter is that entrepreneurship will get difficult. In fact, encountering difficulty, frustration and pain is how you know you are going in the right direction. If it were easy, everyone else would do it. So, you need to be all in, and prepared to persevere.

Your first product will suck. It is okay to fail. As long as you learn from it. Your 8-th business will be amazing. Just don't cop-out telling yourself you're not designed to do this.

Be fully focussed on the one thing you're aiming to do. The reason so many people fail at entrepreneurship is because they have this foot-out-the-door attitude about it. This will cause you to fail. There will be days when you want to quit. And on those days, you will cop-out and you will fail. Key is to push through the turbulence, and if you can't, there is no point starting.

Name one success story where the entire story was easy. You can't, you need to persevere.


Learning is the easy part. The hard part is applying what you learn. You need to apply what you learn every single day. The most important part is momentum, similar to going to the gym on a regular basis. You need to put in consistent effort. The brain learns via doing a new action repeatedly.

While you are being slow with learning, and taking your time, you need to be rapid in your actions and application. That is where you figure things out.

Produce Something You Are Proud Of

If you put out low effort, low quality products, shitty looking sites, you will be unsuccessful. Produce things that you can look at and think "I would buy this". Something you are excited to show family and friends. Do work you are proud of. If not, then you're doing things wrong.

Stop Lying to Yourself

Everybody lies to themselves most of all. Look at the bullshit you do in your life. Become a relentless pursuer of truth. Do some social auditing about how much bullshit you put out each day. You probably told your friends you're starting this business, and you probably talked a lot more than you've actually done. Stop giving yourself false gratification.

Don't Try to Make Money

The best goal? Building a great business that helps people. Truly help people on your list, no matter the niche. Help them of the pains they're having. This way you are going to have success. If your goal is to make money as fast as possible, your funnel will be crap, your product will be crap, the way you talk to people will be crap.

There's nothing wrong with money, but if you chase money, you will put out crap. You won't spend time learning what you need to. Helping people and understanding your business doesn't have a money symbol attached to it. You won't do those things if you're searching just for money.

First focus on becoming a good entrepreneur, mastering sales, email funnel building/copywriting and providing good products for people.

The key to success? Have a good business that helps people & understand your trade. Have the skillset to make money for the rest of your life. To start with, have a goal to become really good at what you do before you even focus on a big business. If your goal is passive income, then your goal is to not work. This way you won't put in the work to make something truly passive.

Keep a Journal

Get a Journal and write down your goals for the day and what you learn every day. Write a task list. Count every day you do successfully and consecutively hit your goals. Write your big goals as well. Write a quarterly goal as well. This may seem nerdy, and you might want to wing it, but every successful person does this. Just do it. I also use notion (opens in a new tab) to organise my life. This (opens in a new tab) is a good place to start.

Morning Ritual

Have natural light, have a scent associated with working (candle or essential oil). Work in an area you are comfortable and make that area your shrine. Lock the door and don't let people disturb you. Fill it with things to make you happy, and it'll make you enjoy the work you're doing.

Enjoy What You're Doing

Even if its stupid, just do something you love. Otherwise you won't have the motivation.

Dopamine Detox

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that plays a significant role in our feelings of pleasure and reward. In the context of entrepreneurship, a Dopamine Detox involves reducing the overstimulation of dopamine, typically caused by modern distractions like social media, TV, and excessive internet use. This detox aims to reset the brain's reward system to enhance focus, productivity, and overall well-being.

  1. Limit Digital Distractions: Restrict the use of social media, TV, and aimless internet browsing. If necessary, use apps to block these distractions during work hours.

  2. Engage in Deep Work: Allocate specific times for focused work sessions without interruptions. This practice helps in regaining the ability to concentrate on demanding tasks.

  3. Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of the content you consume. Opt for educational or inspirational material that aligns with your entrepreneurial goals.

  4. Physical Activity and Nature: Engage in regular physical exercise and spend time in nature. Both activities are known to help regulate dopamine levels and improve mental clarity.

  5. Healthy Eating and Sleeping Habits: A balanced diet and adequate sleep are crucial for maintaining optimal brain function and a balanced dopamine level.

  6. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like meditation help in managing stress and reducing the need for dopamine-inducing activities.

The Benefits of a Dopamine Detox

  • Improved Focus and Productivity: By reducing the reliance on quick dopamine hits, you enhance your ability to focus on tasks that matter.
  • Better Decision Making: A clear mind leads to better business decisions, as you're less likely to be swayed by short-term desires.
  • Increased Resilience: Building a business requires resilience. A Dopamine Detox helps in developing a stronger mindset to face entrepreneurial challenges.
  • Enhanced Creativity: With fewer distractions, your mind has more space for creative thinking, essential for problem-solving and innovation in business.

A good analogy was a psychology experiment. Rats with access to dopamine at the detriment to their own health, would still pursue the dopamine, even though it was bad for them. We are driven by dopamine, not by what's good for us, so it makes sense to try control it.

Financial Minimalism

Adopting financial minimalism and focusing on providing value first can lead to more sustainable success. This approach aligns with the principle of serving others and solving their problems, which in turn can lead to financial rewards.


The journey of entrepreneurship is hard, involving much more than just business strategies. It encompasses personal development, mindset, time management, and a relentless pursuit of growth and learning. By adopting these principles, you can set yourself up for long-term success and fulfillment.