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EC2 Instance Storage

EC2 Instance Storage

  1. An Instance Store provides temporary block-level storage for an EC2 instance. It's disk storage that is physically attached to the host computer with the following characteristics:
    • HDD options
    • Solid-state
    • Size up to 16 TiB
  2. Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS): provides block-level storage volumes that you can use with EC2 instances. Because EBS volumes are for data that needs to persist, it’s important to back up the data (snapshots).
    • EBS snapshot is an incremental backup
    • Volume is a network drive you can attach to your instances while they run

Others EC2 storage options are:

  • EFS: Network file system, can be attached to 100s of instances in a region
  • EFS-IA: cost-optimized storage class for infrequent accessed files
  • FSx for Windows: Network File System for Windows servers
  • FSx for Lustre: High Performance Computing Linux file system

EBS Volumes

What’s an EBS Volume?

  • An EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume is a network drive you can attach to your instances while they run
  • It allows your instances to persist data, even after their termination
  • They can only be mounted to one instance at a time (at the CCP level)
  • They are bound to a specific availability zone
  • Analogy: Think of them as a “network USB stick”
  • Free tier: 30 GB of free EBS storage of type General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic per month

EBS Volume

  • It’s a network drive (i.e. not a physical drive)
    • It uses the network to communicate the instance, which means there might be a bit of latency
    • It can be detached from an EC2 instance and attached to another one quickly
  • It’s locked to an Availability Zone (AZ)
    • An EBS Volume in us-east-1a cannot be attached to us-east-1b
    • To move a volume across, you first need to snapshot it
  • Have a provisioned capacity (size in GBs, and IOPS)
    • You get billed for all the provisioned capacity
    • You can increase the capacity of the drive over time

Elastic File System

Delete on Termination attribute

  • Controls the EBS behaviour when an EC2 instance terminates
    • By default, the root EBS volume is deleted (attribute enabled)
    • By default, any other attached EBS volume is not deleted (attribute disabled)
  • This can be controlled by the AWS console / AWS CLI
  • Use case: preserve root volume when instance is terminated

EBS Snapshots

  • Make a backup (snapshot) of your EBS volume at a point in time
  • Not necessary to detach volume to do snapshot, but recommended
  • Can copy snapshots across AZ or Region

EBS Snapshots Features

  • EBS Snapshot Archive
    • Move a Snapshot to an ”archive tier” that is 75% cheaper
    • Takes within 24 to 72 hours for restoring the archive
  • Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots
    • Setup rules to retain deleted snapshots so you can recover them after an accidental deletion
    • Specify retention (from 1 day to 1 year)

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

Provides File Storage, multiple clients can access data that is stored in shared file folders. In this approach, a storage server uses block storage with a local file system to organize files. Compared to block storage and object storage, file storage is ideal for use cases in which a large number of services and resources need to access the same data at the same time.

  • Amazon EFS is a scalable file system used with AWS Cloud Services and On-premise resources.
  • Managed NFS (network file system) that can be mounted on 100s of EC2
  • EFS works with Linux EC2 instances in multi-AZ
  • Highly available, scalable, expensive (3x gp2), pay per use, no capacity planning

Elastic File System

EFS Infrequent Access (EFS-IA)

  • Storage class that is cost-optimized for files not accessed every day
  • Up to 92% lower cost compared to EFS Standard
  • EFS will automatically move your files to EFS-IA based on the last time they were accessed
  • Enable EFS-IA with a Lifecycle Policy
  • Example: move files that are not accessed for 60 days to EFS-IA
  • Transparent to the applications accessing EFS

Amazon FSx

  • Launch 3rd party high-performance file systems on AWS
  • Fully managed service
    • FSx for Lustre
    • FSx for Windows File Server
    • FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

  • A fully managed, highly reliable, and scalable Windows native shared file system
  • Built on Windows File Server
  • Supports SMB protocol & Windows NTFS
  • Integrated with Microsoft Active Directory
  • Can be accessed from AWS or your on-premise infrastructure

Amazon FSx for Lustre

  • A fully managed, high-performance, scalable file storage for High Performance Computing (HPC)
  • The name Lustre is derived from “Linux” and “cluster”
  • Machine Learning, Analytics, Video Processing, Financial Modeling
  • Scales up to 100s GB/s, millions of IOPS, sub-ms latencies

EC2 Instance Store

  • EBS volumes are network drives with good but “limited” performance
  • If you need a high-performance hardware disk, use EC2 Instance Store
  • Better I/O performance
  • EC2 Instance Store lose their storage if they’re stopped (ephemeral)
  • Good for buffer / cache / scratch data / temporary content
  • Risk of data loss if hardware fails
  • Backups and Replication are your responsibility

Shared Responsibility Model for EC2 Storage

InfrastructureSetting up backup / snapshot procedures
Replication for data for EBS volumes & EFS drivesSetting up data encryption
Replacing faulty hardwareResponsibility of any data on the drives
Ensuring their employees cannot access your dataUnderstanding the risk of using EC2 Instance Store

AMI Overview

  • AMI = Amazon Machine Image
  • AMI are a customization of an EC2 instance
    • You add your own software, configuration, operating system, monitoring…
    • Faster boot / configuration time because all your software is pre-packaged
  • AMI are built for a specific region (and can be copied across regions)
  • You can launch EC2 instances from:
    • A Public AMI: AWS provided
    • Your own AMI: you make and maintain them yourself
    • An AWS Marketplace AMI: an AMI someone else made (and potentially sells)

AMI Process (from an EC2 instance)

  • Start an EC2 instance and customize it
  • Stop the instance (for data integrity)
  • Build an AMI – this will also create EBS snapshots
  • Launch instances from other AMIs

EC2 Image Builder

  • Used to automate the creation of Virtual Machines or container images
  • Automate the creation, maintain, validate and test EC2 AMIs
  • Can be run on a schedule (weekly, whenever packages are updated, etc…)
  • Free service (only pay for the underlying resources)