Cloud & MLOps ☁️
Design Patterns & Anti-patterns

Design Patterns, Anti-patterns and Best Practices

Ray has a myriad of scaling design patterns (opens in a new tab) for tasks & actors, including the Tree of Actors Pattern discussed earlier.

Some others Patterns include:

Ray also has a myriad of anti-patterns (opens in a new tab) to avoid, including:

Some Best Practices

Because Ray's core APIs are simple and flexible, first time users can trip upon certain API calls in Ray's usage patterns. This short tips & tricks will insure you against unexpected results. Below we briefly explore a handful of API calls and their best practices.



TLDR: Use Numpy as much as possible.

Since Ray processes do not share memory space, data transferred between workers and nodes will need to serialized and deserialized. Ray uses the Plasma object store (opens in a new tab) to efficiently transfer objects across different processes and different nodes. Numpy arrays in the object store are shared between workers on the same node (zero-copy deserialization). Ray optimizes for numpy arrays by using Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data. Whenever possible, use numpy arrays or Python collections of numpy arrays for maximum performance.

Use @ray.remote and @ray.method to return multiple arguments

Often, you may wish to return more than a single argument from a Ray Task, or return more than a single value from an Ray Actor's method. Let's look at some examples how you do it.

def tuple3(id: str, lst: List[float]) -> Tuple[str, int, float]:
    one = id.capitalize()
    two = random.randint(5, 10)
    three = sum(lst)
    return (one, two, three)
# Return three object references with three distinct values in each
x_ref, y_ref, z_ref = tuple3.remote("ray rocks!", [2.2, 4.4, 6.6])
# Fetch the list of references
x, y, z = ray.get([x_ref, y_ref, z_ref])
print(f'{x}, {y}, {z:.2f}')

A slight variation of the above example is pack all values in a single return, and then unpack them.

def tuple3_packed(id: str, lst: List[float]) -> Tuple[str, int, float]:
    one = id.capitalize()
    two = random.randint(5, 10)
    three = sum(lst)
    return (one, two, three)
# Returns one object references with three values in it
xyz_ref = tuple3_packed.remote("ray rocks!", [2.2, 4.4, 6.6])
# Fetch from a single object ref and unpack into three values
x, y, z = ray.get(xyz_ref)
print(f'({x}, {y}, {z:.2f})')

Let's do the same for an Ray actor method, except here we are using a decorator @ray.method(num_returns=3) to decorate a Ray actor's method:

class TupleActor:
    def tuple3(self, id: str, lst: List[float]) -> Tuple[str, int, float]:
        one = id.capitalize()
        two = random.randint(5, 10)
        three = sum(lst)
        return (one, two, three)
# Create an instance of an actor
actor = TupleActor.remote()
x_ref, y_ref, z_ref = actor.tuple3.remote("ray rocks!", [2.2, 4.4, 5.5])
x, y, z = ray.get([x_ref, y_ref, z_ref])
print(f'({x}, {y}, {z:.2f})')


There is a advanced and comprehensive list of all Ray design patterns and anti-design patterns (opens in a new tab) you can explore at after the class at home.

Additional resources on best practices: