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Notable Services
Other AWS Services

Other AWS Services


Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) s a fully managed service that you can use to run Kubernetes on AWS.


AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers. It works with both Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS. Fargate manages your servers infrastructure for you.

  • Launch Docker containers on AWS
  • You do not provision the infrastructure (no EC2 instances to manage) – simpler!
  • Serverless offering
  • AWS just runs containers for you based on the CPU / RAM you need


  • Elastic Container Registry
  • Private Docker Registry on AWS
  • This is where you store your Docker images so they can be run by ECS or Fargate

Amazon API Gateway

  • Example: building a serverless API
  • Fully managed service for developers to easily create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs
  • Serverless and scalable
  • Supports RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs
  • Support for security, user authentication, API throttling, API keys, monitoring.

Amazon WorkSpaces

  • Managed Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solution to easily provision Windows or Linux desktops
  • Great to eliminate management of on-premise VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
  • Fast and quickly scalable to thousands of users
  • Secured data – integrates with KMS
  • Pay-as-you-go service with monthly or hourly rates

Amazon AppStream 2.0

  • Desktop Application Streaming Service
  • Deliver to any computer, without acquiring, provisioning infrastructure
  • The application is delivered from within a web browser
Amazon AppStream 2.0WorkSpaces
Stream a desktop application to web browsers (no need to connect to a VDI)Fully managed VDI and desktop available
Works with any device (that has a web browser)The users connect to the VDI and open native or WAM applications
Allow to configure an instance type per application type (CPU, RAM, GPU)Workspaces are on-demand or always on

Amazon Sumerian

  • Create and run virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D applications
  • Can be used to quickly create 3D models with animations
  • Ready-to-use templates and assets - no programming or 3D expertise required
  • Accessible via a web-browser URLs or on popular hardware for AR/VR

AWS IoT Core

  • IoT stands for “Internet of Things” – the network of internet-connected devices that are able to collect and transfer data
  • AWS IoT Core allows you to easily connect IoT devices to the AWS Cloud • Serverless, secure & scalable to billions of devices and trillions of messages
  • Your applications can communicate with your devices even when they aren’t connected
  • Integrates with a lot of AWS services (Lambda, S3, SageMaker, etc.)
  • Build IoT applications that gather, process, analyze, and act on data

Amazon Elastic Transcoder

  • Elastic Transcoder is used to convert media files stored in S3 into media files in the formats required by consumer playback devices (phones etc..)
  • Benefits:
    • Easy to use
    • Highly scalable – can handle large volumes of media files and large file sizes
    • Cost effective – duration-based pricing model
    • Fully managed & secure, pay for what you use

AWS AppSync

  • Store and sync data across mobile and web apps in real-time
  • Makes use of GraphOL (mobile technology from Facebook)
  • Client Code can be generated automatically
  • Integrations with DynamoDB / Lambda
  • Real-time subscriptions
  • Offline data synchronization (replaces Cognito Sync)
  • Fine Grained Security
  • AWS Amplify can leverage AWS AppSync in the background!

AWS Amplify

  • A set of tools and services that helps you develop and deploy scalable full stack web and mobile applications

  • It offers following features:

    • Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS)
    • Frontend Libraries and UI Components
    • Authentication
    • Storage
    • API Management (REST, GraphQL)
    • Real-Time and Offline Capabilities through AWS AppSync
    • CI/CD
    • Command-Line Interface (CLI)
    • PubSub
    • Analytics
    • AI/ML Predictions
    • Monitoring
    • Source Code from AWS, GitHub, etc.

AWS Device Farm

  • Fully-managed service that tests your web and mobile apps against desktop browsers, real mobile devices, and tablets
  • Run tests concurrently on multiple devices (speed up execution)
  • Ability to configure device settings (GPS, language, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.)

AWS Backup

  • Fully-managed service to centrally manage and automate backups across AWS services
  • On-demand and scheduled backups
  • Supports PITR (Point-in-time Recovery)
  • Retention Periods, Lifecycle Management, Backup Policies,etc.
  • Cross-Region Backup
  • Cross-Account Backup (using AWS Organizations)

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS)

  • Used to be named “CloudEndure Disaster Recovery”
  • Quickly and easily recover your physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers into AWS
  • Example: protect your most critical databases (including Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server), enterprise apps (SAP), protect your data from ransomware attacks, …
  • Continuous block-level replication for your servers

AWS DataSync

  • Move large amount of data from on-premises to AWS
  • Can synchronize to: Amazon S3 (any storage classes – including Glacier), Amazon EFS, Amazon FSx for Windows
  • Replication tasks can be scheduled hourly, daily, weekly
  • The replication tasks are incremental after the first full load

AWS Application Discovery Service

  • Plan migration projects by gathering information about on-premises data centers
  • Server utilization data and dependency mapping are important for migrations
  • Agentless Discovery (AWS Agentless Discovery Connector)
    • VM inventory, configuration, and performance history such as CPU, memory, and disk usage
  • Agent-based Discovery (AWS Application Discovery Agent)
    • System configuration, system performance, running processes, and details of the network connections between systems
  • Resulting data can be viewed within AWS Migration Hub

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN)

  • The “AWS evolution” of CloudEndure Migration, replacing AWS Server Migration Service (SMS)
  • Lift-and-shift (rehost) solution which simplify migrating applications to AWS
  • Converts your physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers to run natively on AWS
  • Supports wide range of platforms, Operating Systems, and databases
  • Minimal downtime, reduced costs

AWS Migration Evaluator

  • Helps you build a data-driven business case for migration to AWS
  • Provides a clear baseline of what your organization is running today
  • Install Agentless Collector to conduct broad-based discovery
  • Take a snapshot of on-premises foot-print, server dependencies,...
  • Analyze current state, define target state, then develop migration plan

AWS Migration Hub

  • Central location to collect servers and applications inventory data for the assessment, planning, and tracking of migrations to AWS
  • Helps accelerate your migration to AWS, automate lift-and-shift
  • AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator - provides pre-built templates to save time and effort migrating enterprise apps (e.g., SAP Microsoft SQL Server...)
  • Supports migrations status updates from Application Migration Service (MGN) and Database Migration Service (DMS)

AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS)

  • A fully managed service for running fault injection experiments on AWS workloads
  • Based on Chaos Engineering – stressing an application by creating disruptive events (e.g., sudden increase in CPU or memory), observing how the system responds, and implementing improvements
  • Helps you uncover hidden bugs and performance bottlenecks
  • Supports the following AWS services: EC2, ECS, EKS, RDS…
  • Use pre-built templates that generate the desired disruptions

AWS Step Functions

  • Build serverless visual workflow to orchestrate your Lambda functions
  • Features: sequence, parallel, conditions, timeouts, error handling, etc.
  • Can integrate with EC2, ECS, On-premises servers, API Gateway, SQS queues, etc.
  • Possibility of implementing human approval feature
  • Use cases: order fulfillment, data processing, web applications, any workflow

AWS Ground Station

  • Fully managed service that lets you control satellite communications, process data, and scale your satellite operations
  • Provides a global network of satellite ground stations near AWS regions
  • Allows you to download satellite data to your AWS VPC within seconds
  • Send satellite data to S3 or EC2 instance
  • Use cases: weather forecasting, surface imaging, communications, video broadcasts

AWS Pinpoint

  • Scalable 2-way (outbound/inbound) marketing communications service
  • Supports email, SMS, push, voice, and in-app messaging
  • Ability to segment and personalize messages with the right content to customers
  • Possibility to receive replies
  • Scales to billions of messages per day
  • Use cases: run campaigns by sending marketing, bulk, transactional SMS messages
  • Versus Amazon SNS or Amazon SES
    • In SNS & SES, you managed each message's audience, content, and delivery schedule
    • In Amazon Pinpoint, you create message templates, delivery schedules, highly-targeted segments, and full campaigns

Amazon Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail is designed to be the easiest way to launch and manage a virtual private server. Lightsail include everything you need to jumpstart your project - a virtual machine, SDD-based storage, data transfer, DNS management, and static IP address - for a low, predictable price.

  • Virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking
  • Low & predictable pricing
  • Simpler alternative to using EC2, RDS, ELB, EBS, Route 53…
  • Great for people with little cloud experience!
  • Can setup notifications and monitoring of your Lightsail resources
  • Use cases:
    • Simple web applications (has templates for LAMP, Nginx, MEAN, Node.js…)
    • Websites (templates for WordPress, Magento, Plesk, Joomla)
    • Dev / Test environment
  • Has high availability but no auto-scaling, limited AWS integrations

Other Services

Some others to be aware of:

Messaging and Queuing to help maintain application availability when a single component fails, you can design your application through a microservice approach. Two different services that facilitate application integration: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS): Is a publish/subscribe service. Using Amazon SNS topics, a publisher publishes messages to subscribers. In SNS subscribers can be web servers, email addresses, AWS lambda functions, or several other options.
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS): Is a message queuing service. You can send, store and receive messages between software components, without losing messages or requiring other services to be available. A user or service retrieves a message from the queue, processes it, and deletes it from the queue.

Others are:

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Deprecated) An easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Ngnix, Passenger, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing, and auto-scaling to application health monitoring.
  • AWS Serverless Application Repository Enables you to quickly deploy code samples components, and complete applications for common use cases such as web and mobile back-ends, event and data processing, logging, monitoring, IoT and also to publish your applications and share them within your team, across your organization, or with the community. There is no additional charge to use the serverless Application repo, you only pay for the AWS resources used in the app you deploy.