Artificial Intelligence 🤖
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Case Studies

CNN Case Studies

Understanding the composition and function of various successful CNN architectures can provide valuable insights for applying these ideas to our own models. We have seen Conv layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. It turns out that computer vision researchers spent the past few years on how to put these layers together. To get some intuition, you have to see the examples in the literature.

Classical CNN Architectures


  • Era: 1980s
  • Significance: One of the earliest CNNs, primarily used for digit recognition in postal code systems.


  • Overview: A breakthrough network that significantly increased the depth and complexity of CNNs.
  • Key Features: Use of ReLU activation, dropout layers, and data augmentation.


  • Characteristics: Known for its simplicity and depth, with a uniform architecture.
  • Variants: VGG16 and VGG19, indicating the number of layers.

Advanced CNN Architectures

ResNet (Residual Networks)

  • Highlight: Won the ImageNet competition.
  • Layer Count: Up to 152 layers.
  • Key Concept: Introduction of "skip connections" or "residual connections," which help in training deeper networks by addressing the vanishing gradient problem.

Inception (GoogleNet)

  • Creator: Google
  • Specialty: Efficient computation and usage of parameters.
  • Design: Incorporates "inception modules" that allow the network to choose from different convolutional operations simultaneously.

Practical Applications and Insights

  • Transfer Learning: Many of these architectures, despite being designed for specific tasks, can be repurposed for different but related problems.
  • Architecture Adaptation: Elements from these networks (like inception modules or residual connections) can be integrated into new models to address specific challenges.
  • Parameter Tuning: Studying these models offers insights into effective strategies for parameter tuning and layer configuration.

Research and Continuous Learning

  • Literature Review: Delving into the research papers detailing these models is crucial for understanding their inner workings and the rationale behind their design choices.
  • Experimentation: Trying and tweaking these models based on task-specific requirements can lead to innovative solutions.

Understanding these foundational CNN architectures is instrumental for anyone looking to get into into deep learning, especially in computer vision. They offer a rich source of learning and inspiration, paving the way for the development of new and more sophisticated models.