Artificial Intelligence 🤖


Events can be considered independent if knowing one does not tell us anything about the other.

Two events AA and BB are independent, denoted A⊥BA \perp B, if and only if:

P(A,B)=P(A)P(B)P(A, B)=P(A) P(B)

Knowing that one has occurred has no bearing on the probability that the other occurs.

If A⊥BA \perp B and P(B)>0P(B)>0, we can easily see that:

P(A∣B)=P(A,B)P(B)=P(A)P(B)P(B)=P(A)P(A \mid B)=\frac{P(A, B)}{P(B)}=\frac{P(A) P(B)}{P(B)}=P(A)

thus, the probability of AA is unchanged by conditioning on BB.

If A⊥BA \perp B, it is also true that Aˉ⊥B,A⊥Bˉ\bar{A} \perp B, A \perp \bar{B}, and Aˉ⊥Bˉ\bar{A} \perp \bar{B}.

Example: Independence

Imagine we toss a coin twice. There are four outcomes in the sample space of this experiment: (1) both tosses land heads (HH),(2)(H H),(2) both tosses land tails (TT),(3)(T T),(3) first toss lands heads but the second one tails (HT)(H T), and (4) the first toss lands tails but the second one heads (TH)(T H). Each of these outcomes occur with equal probabilities.

P(HH)=P(TT)=P(HT)=P(TH)=14P(H H)=P(T T)=P(H T)=P(T H)=\frac{1}{4}

If we define events AA and BB as the events where the first and second coin tosses result in heads respectively, each of these events would contain two outcomes resulting in probability of 24\frac{2}{4} for both of them:

A={HH,HT},P(A)=24B={HH,TH},P(B)=24\begin{aligned} & A=\{H H, H T\}, \quad P(A)=\frac{2}{4} \\ & B=\{H H, T H\}, \quad P(B)=\frac{2}{4} \end{aligned}

The joint event, A∩BA \cap B, has only one outcome, HHH H, and therefore probability P(A,B)=14P(A, B)=\frac{1}{4}, which is equal to P(A)×P(B)P(A) \times P(B) proving that events P(A)P(A) and P(B)P(B) are independent.

However, what if we define an event CC to include outcomes where at least one toss is heads; what can we infer about this event in relation to events AA and BB ?


CC is not independent from either event AA or event BB, as:

C={HH,TH,HT}A∩C={HH,HT}B∩C={HH,TH}\begin{aligned} C & =\{H H, T H, H T\} \\ A \cap C & =\{H H, H T\} \\ B \cap C & =\{H H, T H\} \end{aligned}

giving the probabilities:

P(C)=34P(A,C)=24≠P(A)×P(C)P(B,C)=24≠P(B)×P(C)\begin{aligned} P(C) & =\frac{3}{4} \\ P(A, C) & =\frac{2}{4} \neq P(A) \times P(C) \\ P(B, C) & =\frac{2}{4} \neq P(B) \times P(C) \end{aligned}