Artificial Intelligence 🤖


These notes on Maths, Statistics & Probability were created when i was studying for the Chemical Engineering Mathematics I and II courses at Imperial College. The topics covered aimed to give the necessary knowledge and skills for the chemical engineering core courses, but some of the topics you see here were fundamental when I transitioned over to AI.

List of Abbreviations

  • H.O.TH.O.T - higher order terms.
  • ICIC - initial condition.
  • I.F.I.F. - integrating factor.
  • IVPIVP - initial value problem.
  • LODELODE - linear ordinary differential equation.
  • MUCMUC - method of undetermined coefficients.
  • ODEsODEs - ordinary differential equations.
  • PDEsPDEs - partial differential equations.
  • wrtwrt - with respect to. Mathematical Notation and Symbols

Mathematical Notation and Symbols

  • C\mathbb{C} the set of complex numbers.
  • R\mathbb{R} the set of all real numbers.
  • Z\mathbb{Z} the set of all integers.
  • ϵ\epsilon is an element of.
  • iff,⇔iff, \Leftrightarrow biconditional statement for if and only if.
  • ∀\forall universal quantification interpreted as for all.