Artificial Intelligence 🤖


The most important application of integration is differential equations. Integration is also used in geometry as alluded to in the beginning of this section. This is not limited to areas as seen but also to volumes as well as lengths of curves. For instance, the integral

L=ab1+(f(x))2dxL=\int_{a}^{b} \sqrt{1+\left(f^{\prime}(x)\right)^{2}} d x

gives the length of the curve y=f(x)y=f(x) between x=ax=a and x=bx=b. To see where the formula comes from, consider a small segment of the curve y=f(x)y=f(x) as shown in the diagram below:

small segment of the curve

Define Δy=f(x+Δx)f(x)f(x)Δx\Delta y=f(x+\Delta x)-f(x) \approx f^{\prime}(x) \Delta x. The length of the segment (joining the points xx and x+Δx)x+\Delta x) is given by

Δl(Δx)2+(Δy)21+(f(x))2Δx\Delta l \approx \sqrt{(\Delta x)^{2}+\left(\Delta_{y}\right)^{2}} \approx \sqrt{1+\left(f^{\prime}(x)\right)^{2}} \Delta x

Summing up lengths of all small segments from x=ax=a to x=bx=b gives the integral shown at the start. An alternative formula for the length of a curve is:

L=tatb(x˙(t))2+(y˙(t))2dtL=\int_{t_{a}}^{t_{b}} \sqrt{(\dot{x}(t))^{2}+(\dot{y}(t))^{2}} d t

where the curve has the parametric form x=x(t),y=y(t)x=x(t), y=y(t) for tattbt_{a} \leq t \leq t_{b}. Here, the dot notation represents differentiation wrt tt.

For example, say we wanted to calculate the arc length SS of the cycloid for 0t2π0 \leq t \leq 2 \pi. The equations of a cycloid created by a circle of radius 1 are given parametrically by,

x(t)=tsint,y(t)=1cost.x(t)=t-\sin t, \quad y(t)=1-\cos t .

To find the length we use the equation. Differentiating xx and yy wrt tt,

x˙=1cost,y˙=sint\dot{x}=1-\cos t, \quad \dot{y}=\sin t

and plugging in the equation,

L=02π(1cost)2+(sint)2dtL=\int_{0}^{2 \pi} \sqrt{(1-\cos t)^{2}+(\sin t)^{2}} d t

leaves us to evaluate

L=02π2(1cost)dtL=\int_{0}^{2 \pi} \sqrt{2(1-\cos t)} d t

Another length formula is

L=θaθb(r(θ))2+(r(θ))2dθ;L=\int_{\theta_{a}}^{\theta_{b}} \sqrt{(r(\theta))^{2}+\left(r^{\prime}(\theta)\right)^{2}} d \theta ;

which deals with a curve of the form r=r(θ)r=r(\theta) where rr and θ\theta are polar coordinates. This formula can be used to compute the length of the cardioid defined by r=1+cosθr=1+\cos \theta.