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Scalars and vectors

Scalars and vectors

In Year I Mathematics, we saw that in applications in physics and engineering, it is common to define two quantities: scalars and vectors. A scalar is a quantity that is determined by its magnitude; examples include length and temperature. A vector is a quantity that is determined by both its magnitude and its direction. Examples include force or velocity. See notes from Year I Mathematics for a review of the basic definitions of vector algebra. Recall that we denote vectors by bold, lower case letters, e.g. v,a,b\boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{a}, \boldsymbol{b} or, with an arrow notation, v,a,b\vec{v}, \vec{a}, \vec{b}. In these notes, we will use the bold notation to denote vectors.

There are four kinds of functions involving scalars and vectors:

  1. Scalar functions of a scalar
    • e.g. the temperature of a body as a function of time T(t)T(t). The calculus here is ordinary differential calculus.
  2. Vector functions of a scalar
    • e.g. the position, velocity or acceleration as a function of time, r(t)\boldsymbol{r}(t). The calculus here is very similar to ordinary differential calculus.
  3. Scalar functions of a vector
    • e.g. density or temperature as a function of position, ρ(r)\rho(\boldsymbol{r}) or T(r)T(\boldsymbol{r}). These functions define scalar fields. A new type of calculus is needed here.
  4. Vector functions of a vector
    • e.g. velocity in a fluid as a function of position, u(r)\boldsymbol{u}(\boldsymbol{r}). These functions define vector fields and, again, a new type of calculus is needed here.