Artificial Intelligence 🤖
Learning Approaches
Transfer Learning

Transfer learning

This is when you apply the knowledge you learnt took in a task A and apply it in another task B. For example, you have trained a cat classifier with a lot of data, you can use the part of the trained NN it to solve x-ray classification problem. Having trained that neural network, implement transfer learning by swapping a new data set [X,Y][X, Y] and initialize the last layers' weights.

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To do transfer learning, delete the last layer of NN and it's weights and:

  1. Option 1: if you have a small data set - keep all the other weights as a fixed weights. Add a new last layer(-s) and initialize the new layer weights and feed the new data to the NN and learn the new weights.
  2. Option 2: if you have enough data you can retrain all the weights.

Option 1 and 2 are called fine-tuning and training on task A is called pretraining.

Transfer learning works best when:

  • The new task (like recognizing x-rays) uses the same type of input as the old one (like recognizing cats) – for example, they both use images or audio.
  • You have a lot of data for the old task but not as much for the new one. Even so, the new task's data is more valuable because it's exactly what you need.
  • The basic knowledge for the old task can help with the new one. For example, if knowing about shapes and edges helps recognize both cats and x-rays, then that knowledge is useful to transfer.