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Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF)

Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF)

Why Is Alignment Important?

The goal of fine-tuning with instructions is to train a model further so that it better understands human-like prompts and generates more human-like responses. It can improve a model's performance substantially and lead to more natural sounding language.

This brings a new set of challenges. For example, the model can generate responses with toxic language, combative and aggressive voices, and also provide detailed information about dangerous topics. This is because LLMs are trained on large text data from the Internet, where such language is common.

Example: The Washington Post analyzed Google's C4 dataset (used to train T5 and LLaMa) and found that it contains large amounts of harmful content including swastikas, white supremacist and anti-trans content, and content about false and dangerous conspiracy theories such as pizzagate. Reference: Inside the secret list of websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound smart (opens in a new tab).


Alignment helps to align the model with human values. The human values helpfulness, honesty and harmlessness are important for an LLM and the values are collectively called HHH.

This is where alignment via additional fine-tuning comes in. It is used to increase the HHH factors of an LLM. It can also reduce the toxicity of responses and reduce the generation of incorrect information.

Honest, Harmless and Helpful Evaluations


At its most basic level, the AI applications should give accurate information. It should have access to, retrieve and reliably use the information needed to answer questions it is intended for.


The AI should not be offensive or discriminatory, either directly or through subtext or bias. When asked to aid in a dangerous act (e.g. building a bomb), the AI should politely refuse. Ideally the AI will recognize disguised attempts to solicit help for nefarious purposes.

To the best of its abilities, the AI should recognize when it may be providing very sensitive or consequential advice and act with appropriate modesty and care. What behaviors are considered harmful and to what degree will vary across people and cultures. It will also be context-dependent, i.e. it will depend on the nature of the use.


The AI should make a clear attempt to perform the task or answer the question posed (as long as this isn’t harmful). It should do this as concisely and efficiently as possible. Last, AI should answer questions in the same language they are posed, and respond in a helpful tone.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is used in RLHF. Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in which an agent learns to take actions related to a specific goal by taking actions in an environment, with the objective of maximizing some notion of a cumulative reward. The agent continually learns from its experiences by:

  • Taking actions
  • Observing the resulting changes in the environment, and
  • Receiving rewards or penalties based on the outcomes of its actions.

By iterating through this process, the agent gradually refines its strategy or policy to make better decisions and increase its chances of success.


Example: Training a Model to Play Tic-Tac-Toe

The RL set-up for training such a model is as follows:

  • Agent: A model (or policy) acting as a tic-tac-toe player.
  • Objective: Win the game.
  • Environment: Game board.
  • States: At any moment, the state is the current configuration of the board.
  • Action space: All the possible positions a player can choose to place a marker in, based on the current state.

The agent makes decisions by following a strategy known as the RL policy. As the agent takes actions, it collects rewards based on the actions' effectiveness in progressing towards a win. The goal of the agent is to learn the optimal policy for a given environment that maximizes its rewards.


The learning process is iterative and involves trial and error:

  • Initially, the agent takes a random action which leads to a new state.
  • From this state, the agent proceeds to explore subsequent states through further actions.

The series of actions and corresponding states form a playout, often called a rollout.

  • As the agent accumulates experiences, it gradually uncovers actions that yield the highest long-term rewards, ultimately leading to success in the game.

Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF)

Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF) is a technique used to fine-tune LLMs with human feedback. It uses reinforcement learning to fine-tune the LLM with human feedback data, resulting in a model that is better aligned with human preferences.


We can use RLHF to make sure that:

  • Our model produces outputs with maximum usefulness and relevance to the input prompt.
  • More importantly, the potential for harm is minimized. The model can be trained to give caveats that acknowledge its limitations, and avoid toxic language and topics.

It can also be used to personalize the experience of using LLMs. The model can learn the preferences of each individual user through a continuous feedback process. This could lead to exciting new technologies like individualized learning plans or personalized AI assistants.

By involving human feedback, models can also be tuned to provide explanations or insights into their decision-making processes for example, improving interpretability and allowing users to better understand the model's outputs.

Using Reinforcement Learning To Align LLMs


When we apply RL to fine-tune LLMs, we have the following scenario:

  • Agent: The LLM.
  • Objective: Generate human-aligned text
    • The text is, for example, helpful, accurate, and non-toxic
  • Environment: Context window of the model (the space in which text can be entered via a prompt).
  • State: At any moment, the current state is the current contents of the context window.
  • Action space: The token vocabulary since each action is the act of generating tokens.
    • All the possible tokens that the model can choose from to generate the completion


Each action can be generating a single word, a sentence or a longer-form text depending on the task we are fine-tuning for. At any given moment, the action that the model will take, meaning which token it will choose next, depends on the prompt text in the context window and the probability distribution over the vocabulary space.

Reward System

The reward is assigned based on how closely the generated completions align with human preferences. Due to the variation in human responses to language, determining the reward is much more complicated than the Tic-Tac-Toe example. An example reward system is as follows:

  • We can have a human evaluate all of the completions of the model against some alignment metric, such as toxicity.
  • The feedback can be represented as a scalar value, either a zero (not toxic) or one (toxic).
  • The LLM weights are then updated iteratively to maximize the reward obtained from the human classifier (obtain as many zeros as possible), enabling the model to generated non-toxic completions.

This reward system requires obtaining manual human feedback, which can be time consuming and expensive.

Reward Model

A practical and scalable alternative is to use an additional model, called the reward model, to classify the outputs of the LLM and evaluate the degree of alignment with human preferences.


To obtain the reward model, we start with a smaller number of human examples to train the reward model using traditional supervised learning since it's a classification problem. Human labelers score a dataset of completions by the original model based on alignment criteria like helpfulness, harmlessness, and honesty.

This trained reward model will be used to assess the output of the LLM and assign a reward a value, which in turn gets used to update the weights of the LLM and train a new human-aligned version.

Exactly how the weights are updated as the model completions are assessed depends on the (reinforcement learning) algorithm used to optimize the RL policy.

Obtaining Human Feedback & Training the Reward Model

The reward model is the central component of RLHF. It encodes all the preferences that have been learned from human feedback and plays a central role in how the LLM updates its weights over many iterations. The steps involved in training a reward model are:

Prepare Dataset For Human Feedback

We select an LLM which will help us prepare a dataset for human feedback.

This is the LLM we are planning to align.

The LLM should have some capability to carry out the task we are fine-tuning for. In general, it will be easier to start with an instruct model that has already been fine-tuned across multiple tasks and has some general capabilities.

We will use this LLM with a prompt dataset to generate a number of different responses for each prompt. Thus, the prompt dataset comprises of multiple prompts and each of these prompts gets processed by the LLM to produce a set of completions.


Gather Human Feedback

We use the prepared dataset to gather human feedback. We must first decide the criterion we want humans to assess the completions on, such as helpfulness or toxicity. We will then ask human labelers to assess each completion in the dataset based on the decided criterion. Consider the example prompt:

My house is too hot.

Let the completions generated by the LLM used to prepare the feedback dataset for this prompt be:

  1. There is nothing you can do about hot houses.
  2. You can cool your house with air conditioning.
  3. It is not too hot.

Suppose the criterion we have selected for alignment is helpfulness. The labeler's job is to rank these three completions in order of helpfulness, from the most to the least helpful.

Thus, the labeler might decide to rank the 2nd completion as 1. They might decide that the 3rd completion is the least useful. The 1st completion might be ranked as 2 and 3rd completions might be ranked as 3. The rankings are:

There is nothing you can do about hot houses2
You can cool your house with air conditioning1
It is not too hot3

This same process is repeated for every prompt-completion set in the feedback dataset. Moreover, the same prompt-completion set is assigned to multiple humans so that we can establish consensus and minimize the impact of poor labelers in the group.

There is nothing you can do about hot houses222
You can cool your house with air conditioning113
It is not too hot331

For example, above, the third human labeler disagrees with the other two labelers and it may indicate that the labeler misunderstood the instructions for ranking. The clarity of our instructions (regarding how to rank completions) can make a big difference on the quality of the human feedback we obtain. For example:

We have collected responses from different large language models to questions
requiring various forms of reasoning. We would like you to help us rank these
responses. Each prompt you see will come with responses from (anonymous) large
language models, which have been shuffled on EACH ROW, so you the annotator
cannot know which model they come from.
Annotation Rules:
- Rank the responses according to which one provides the best
  answer to the input prompt.
- What is the best answer? Make a decision based on (a) the
  correctness of the answer, and (b) the informativeness of the
  response. For (a) you are allowed to search the web. Overall,
  use your best judgment to rank answers based on being the most
  useful response, which we define as one which is at least somewhat correct,
  and minimally informative about what the prompt is asking for.
- If two responses provide the same correctness and informativeness
  by your judgment, and there is no clear winner, you may rank them the
  same, but please only use this sparingly.
- If the answer for a given response is nonsensical, irrelevant,
  highly ungrammatical/confusing, or does not clearly respond to the
  given prompt, label it with “F” (for fail) rather than its rank.
- Long answers are not always the best. Answers which provide
  succinct, coherent responses may be better than longer ones, if they
  are at least as correct and informative.

Chung et al. 2022 "Scaling Instruction-Finetuned Language Models"


The more detailed we make these instructions, the higher the likelihood that the labelers will understand the task they have to carry out and complete it exactly as we wish, and carry out the task similarly to each other.

Prepare Labeled Data For Training

We need to convert the rankings into pairwise training data for the reward model. Consider the above example again. With three completions, there are three possible pairings:

There is nothing you can do about hot housesYou can cool your house with air conditioning
There is nothing you can do about hot housesIt is not too hot
You can cool your house with air conditioningIt is not too hot

Depending on the number of different completions nn for a prompt, we will have (n2)\binom{n}{2} different pairs. For each pair, we will assign a reward of 11 for the preferred response and a reward of 00 for the less preferred response.

There is nothing you can do about hot housesYou can cool your house with air conditioning[0, 1]
There is nothing you can do about hot housesIt is not too hot[1, 0]
You can cool your house with air conditioningIt is not too hot[1, 0]

We will then reorder the prompts so that the most preferred option comes first. This is important since the reward model expects the preferred response yjy_j first.

You can cool your house with air conditioningThere is nothing you can do about hot houses[1, 0]
There is nothing you can do about hot housesIt is not too hot[1, 0]
You can cool your house with air conditioningIt is not too hot[1, 0]

Many LLMs use a thumbs-up, thumbs-down feedback system to obtain the feedback dataset since it is easier to obtain than a ranking feedback system. But, the ranking feedback system gives us more prompt-completion data to train the reward model.

Training the Reward Model

We will train the reward model to predict the preferred completion from yj,yky_j, y_k for a prompt xx. The reward model is usually an LLM as well, such as BERT trained using supervised learning methods on the pairwise comparison data.


For a given prompt xx, the model learns to favor the human-preferred completion yjy_j, while minimizing the following loss function:

loss=log(σ(rjrk))\text{loss} = \log(\sigma(r_j - r_k))

Notice how the loss function does not have any notion of labels in it despite this being a supervised learning problem. This is exactly why the ordering of the completions in the pairwise data is important. The loss function itself assumes that rjr_j is the reward for the preferred response.

Obtaining the Reward Value

Once the reward model is trained, we can use it as a binary classifier to provide reward value for each prompt-completion pair generated by our LLM.

For example, consider that we want to align the LLM to reduce toxicity. The positive class, the class we want to optimize for, for the reward model would be "not hate" (does not contain hate speech) and the negative class, the class we want to avoid, would be "hate" (contains hate speech).

The logit (unnormalized output of the reward model before applying any activation function such as softmax) value of the positive class will be the reward value that we will provide to the RLHF feedback loop. The example below shows a "good reward" being provided for a non-toxic completion.



Probabilities is the output of the reward model after applying a softmax activation.

A "bad reward" for a toxic completion might be as shown below.


Fine-Tuning the LLM Using the Reward Model & PPO

Once we have all the pieces in place, the LLM can be fine-tuned as follows:

  1. Pass a prompt to the LLM from the fine-tuning dataset.
  2. Obtain a completion from the LLM.
  3. Pass the prompt and the completion to the reward model to obtain a reward value. A higher reward value represents a more aligned response while a lower reward value represents a less aligned response.
  4. Pass the prompt, the completion and the reward value to the reinforcement learning algorithm to update the weights of the LLM, and move it towards generating more aligned, higher reward responses..

Steps 2-4 represent a single iteration of the RLHF process. We repeat the steps 2-4 for a certain number of epochs. With the number of epochs, we will notice that the reward keeps increasing for every subsequent completion, indicating that RLHF is working as intended.

We will continue the process until the model is aligned based on some evaluation criteria. For example, we can use a threshold on the reward value or a maximum number of steps (like 20,000).

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)

There are many options for what the reinforcement learning algorithm can be. One popular algorithm is called Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).


The PPO algorithm discussed here is also called PPO-Clip. Q-Learning is another reinforcement learning algorithm that can be used with RLHF but PPO is the current SOTA technique.

PPO optimizes a policy (here, the LLM) to be more aligned with human preferences. Over many iterations, PPO makes updates to the LLM which are small and within a bounded region. This results in an LLM that is close to the previous version (hence the name proximal policy optimization). Keeping the changes within a small region results in more stable learning. PPO can be understood by separating it into two phases.

Phase 1: Create Completions

In phase 1, the LLM is used to carry out a number of experiments where it is used to generate completions for some given prompts. These experiments allow us to update the LLM against the reward model in phase 2.


The expected reward of a completion is an important quantity used in the PPO objective. This quantity is estimated using a separate head (another output layer) of the LLM called the value function.

Consider that we have a number of prompts. To estimate the value function, we generate the completions to the prompts using our instruct model and calculate the reward for the completions using the reward model.

Prompt 1: A dog is

Completion: a furry animal

Reward: 1.87

Prompt 2: This house is

Completion: very ugly

Reward: -1.24

The value function estimates the expected total reward for a given state SS. In other words, as the LLM generates each token of a completion, we want to estimate the total future reward based on the current sequence of tokens. This can be thought of as a baseline to evaluate the quality of completions against our alignment criteria.

Prompt 1: A dog is

Completion: a

Vθ(s)=0.34V_\theta(s) = 0.34

Completion: a furry

Vθ(s)=1.23V_\theta(s) = 1.23

Since the value function is just another output layer in the LLM, it is automatically computed during the forward pass of a prompt through the LLM. It is learnt by minimizing the value loss, that is the difference between the actual future total reward (1.87 for A dog is) and the estimated future total reward (1.23 for a furry). The value loss is essentially the mean squared error between these two quantities given by:

LVF=12Vϕ(s)(t=0Tγtrts0=s)22L^{VF} = \frac{1}{2} \lVert V_\phi(s) - (\sum_{t = 0}^{T} \gamma^t r_t | s_0 = s) \rVert_2^2

In essence, we are solving a simple regression problem to fit the value function. The value loss makes estimates for future rewards more accurate. The value function is then used in Advantage Estimation in Phase 2

Phase 2: Advantage Estimation

In phase 2, we make small updates to the model and evaluate the impact of those updates on our alignment criteria for the model. The small updates are kept within a certain small region, called the trust region.

Ideally, the series of small updates will move the model towards higher rewards. The PPO policy objective is the main ingredient for this. The objective is to find a policy whose expected reward is high. In other words, we are trying to make updated to the LLM weights that result in completions more aligned with human preferences and so receive a higher reward. This is done by maximizing the policy loss:

LPOLICY=min(πθ(atst)πθold(atst).At^,clip(πθ(atst)πθold(atst),1ϵ,1+ϵ).At^)L^{\text{POLICY}} = \min(\frac{\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t)}.\hat{A_t}, \text{clip}(\frac{\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t)}, 1 - \epsilon, 1 + \epsilon).\hat{A_t})

This is a bit complicated. A simpler version of the loss is as follows:

LPOLICY=min(πθ(atst)πθold(atst).At^,g(ϵ,At^))L^{\text{POLICY}} = \min(\frac{\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t)}.\hat{A_t}, g(\epsilon, \hat{A_t}))


g(ϵ,At^)={(1+ϵ)At^,At^0(1ϵ)At^,At^<0g(\epsilon, \hat{A_t}) = \begin{cases} (1 + \epsilon)\hat{A_t}, & \hat{A_t} \geq 0 \\ (1 - \epsilon)\hat{A_t}, & \hat{A_t} < 0 \\ \end{cases}


  • πθold(atst)\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t) is the probability of the next token ata_t given the current context window sts_t for the initial LLM (the LLM before this iteration of PPO started)

  • πθ(atst)\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t) is probability of the next token ata_t given the current context window sts_t for the updated LLM (a copy of the LLM before this iteration of PPO started that we are going to keep modifying in the current iteration).

  • At^\hat{A_t} is the estimated advantage term of a given choice of action. It compares how much better or worse the current action is as compared to all possible actions at that state.

    This is calculated by looking at the expected future rewards of a completion following the next token and estimating how advantageous this completion is compared to the rest.


    You have a prompt SS, and you have different paths to complete it, illustrated by different paths on the figure. The advantage term tells you how better or worse the current token AtA_t is with respect to all the possible tokens

    The path at the top is a better completion since it goes towards a higher reward while the path at the bottom is a worse completion since it goes towards lower reward.

    There are multiple advantage estimation algorithms available for calculating this quantity. For a generalized form, see: Notes on the Generalized Advantage Estimation Paper (opens in a new tab).

We can now understand how the loss function works to make sure that the model is aligned. Consider:

  • Advantage term At^\hat{A_t} is positive: This implies that the token generated by the updated LLM is better than average. The loss function becomes:

    LPOLICY=min(πθ(atst)πθold(atst),1+ϵ).At^L^{\text{POLICY}} = \min(\frac{\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t)}, 1 + \epsilon).\hat{A_t}

    Since the advantage is positive, the objective will increase if the action ata_t becomes more likely - that is, πθ(atst)\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t) increases. But, the min in the term applies a limit on how much the objective can increase. If πθ(atst)>(1+ϵ)πθold(atst)\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t) > (1 + \epsilon) \pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t), the min will limit LPOLICYL^{\text{POLICY}} to (1+ϵ)At^(1 + \epsilon)\hat{A_t}. Thus, the new policy will not benefit by going far away from the old policy.

  • Advantage term At^\hat{A_t} is negative. This implies that the token generated by the updated LLM is worse than average. The loss function becomes:

    LPOLICY=max(πθ(atst)πθold(atst),1ϵ).At^L^{\text{POLICY}} = \max(\frac{\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t)}, 1 - \epsilon).\hat{A_t}

    Since the advantage is negative, the objective will increase if the action becomes less likely - that is, πθ(atst)\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t) decreases. But, the max in the term puts a limit on how much the objective can increase. If πθ(atst)<(1ϵ)πθold(atst)\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t) < (1 - \epsilon) \pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t), the max will limit LPOLICYL^{\text{POLICY}} to (1ϵ)At^(1 - \epsilon)\hat{A_t}. Again, the new policy does not benefit by going far away from the old policy.

Thus, we can see how the term πθ(atst)πθold(atst)\frac{\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t)} decides whether πθ(atst)\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t) should increase or decrease, and how clipping ensures that the new policy does not stray far away from the old policy.

In addition to the policy loss, we also have an entropy loss. While the policy loss moves the model towards alignment goal, entropy allows the model to maintain creativity. It is given by:

LENT=entropy(πθ(atst))L^{\text{ENT}} = \text{entropy}(\pi_\theta(a_t | s_t))

If we keep the entropy low, the model might end up completing a prompt always in the same way.


Final PPO Objective

The final PPO objective is a weighted sum of the policy loss, value loss and the entropy loss.

LPPO=LPOLICY+c1LVF+c2LENTL^{\text{PPO}} = L^{\text{POLICY}} + c_1L^{\text{VF}} + c_2L^{\text{ENT}}

c1c_1, c2c_2 and the ϵ\epsilon term in LPOLICYL^{\text{POLICY}} are hyperparameters. This loss function is optimized using a stochastic gradient descent algorithm (such as Adam or SGD) and as the gradients are backpropagated, the weights of the LLM, the weights of the value function and the weights of the entropy function keep getting updated.

In the next iteration of PPO, we use the updated LLM to calculate πθold(atst)\pi_{\theta_{old}}(a_t | s_t) and update a copy of this updated LLM, and so on.


The pseudocode for PPO is shown below. Steps 3-4 correspond to phase 1 and the rest of the steps correspond to phase 2.

Algorithm 1 PPO-Clip:

  1. Input: initial policy parameters θ0\theta_0, initial value function parameters ϕ0\phi_0

  2. for k=0,1,2,k = 0, 1, 2, \ldots do

  3.  Collect set of trajectories Dk={τi}D_k = \{\tau_i\} by running policy πk=π(θk)\pi_k = \pi(\theta_k) in the environment.

  4.  Compute rewards-to-go R^t\hat{R}_t.

  5.  Compute advantage estimates, A^t\hat{A}_t (using any method of advantage estimation) based on the current value function VϕkV_{\phi_k}.

  6.  Update the policy by maximizing the PPO-Clip objective:

    θk+1=argmaxθ1DkTτDkt=0Tmin(πθ(atst)πθk(atst)Aπθk(st,at),g(ϵ,Aπθk(st,at))),\theta_{k+1} = \arg\max_{\theta} \frac{1}{|D_k|T} \sum_{\tau \in D_k} \sum_{t=0}^{T} \min \left( \frac{\pi_{\theta}(a_t | s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_k}(a_t | s_t)} A^{\pi_{\theta_k}}(s_t, a_t), g(\epsilon, A^{\pi_{\theta_k}}(s_t, a_t)) \right),

    typically via stochastic gradient ascent with Adam.

  7.  Fit value function by regression on mean-squared error:

    ϕk+1=argminϕ1DkTτDkt=0T(Vϕ(st)R^t)2,\phi_{k+1} = \arg\min_{\phi} \frac{1}{|D_k|T} \sum_{\tau \in D_k} \sum_{t=0}^{T} \left( V_{\phi}(s_t) - \hat{R}_t \right)^2,

    typically via some gradient descent algorithm.

  8. end for

Reward Hacking

In Reinforcement Learning, it is possible for the agent to learn to cheat the system by favoring actions that maximize the reward received even if those actions don't align well with the original objective.

In case of LLMs, reward hacking can present itself in the form of addition of words or phrases to the completion that result in high scores for the metric being aligned, but that reduce the overall quality of the language.

For example, consider that we are using RLHF to reduce toxicity of an instruct LLM. We have trained a reward model to reward each completion based on how toxic the completion is.

We feed a prompt This product is to the LLM, which generates the completion complete garbage. This results in a low reward and PPO updates the LLM towards less toxicity. As the LLM is updated in each iteration of RLHF, it is possible that the updated LLM diverges too much from the initial LLM since it is trying to optimize the reward.

The model might learn to generate completions that it has learned will lead to very low toxicity scores, such as most awesome, most incredible thing ever. This completion is highly exaggerated. It is also possible that the model will generate completions that are completely nonsensical, as long as the phrase leads to high reward. For example, it can generate something like Beautiful love and world peace all around, which has positive words and is likely to have a high reward.

Avoiding Reward Hacking: KL divergence

One possible solution is to use the initial instruct LLM as a reference model against which we can check the performance of the RL-updated LLM. The weights of this reference model are frozen and not updated during iterations of RLHF.

During training, a prompt like This product is is passed to each model and both generate completions. Say the reference generates the completion useful and well-priced and the updated LLM generates the most awesome, most incredible thing ever.

We can then compare the two completions and calculate a value called the KL divergence (Kullback-Leibler divergence). KL divergence is a statistical measure of how different two probability distributions are. Thus, by comparing the completions, we can calculate how much the updated model has diverged from the reference.


More details of how KL divergence is calculated are available here: KL Divergence for Machine Learning (opens in a new tab).

KL divergence is calculated for each generated token across the whole vocabulary of the LLM. This can easily be tens or hundreds of thousands of tokens. However, using the softmax, we have reduce the number of probabilities to much less than the full vocabulary size (since a lot of the probabilities will be close to zero). It is still a compute expensive process and the use of GPUs is recommended.

Once we have calculated the KL divergence between the two models, we add it as a penalty to the reward calculation. It will penalize the updated LLM if it shifts too far from the reference model.


KL Divergence Details

KL-Divergence, or Kullback-Leibler Divergence, is a concept often encountered in the field of reinforcement learning, particularly when using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. It is a mathematical measure of the difference between two probability distributions, which helps us understand how one distribution differs from another. In the context of PPO, KL-Divergence plays a crucial role in guiding the optimization process to ensure that the updated policy does not deviate too much from the original policy.

In PPO, the goal is to find an improved policy for an agent by iteratively updating its parameters based on the rewards received from interacting with the environment. However, updating the policy too aggressively can lead to unstable learning or drastic policy changes. To address this, PPO introduces a constraint that limits the extent of policy updates. This constraint is enforced by using KL-Divergence.

To understand how KL-Divergence works, imagine we have two probability distributions: the distribution of the original LLM, and a new proposed distribution of an RL-updated LLM. KL-Divergence measures the average amount of information gained when we use the original policy to encode samples from the new proposed policy. By minimizing the KL-Divergence between the two distributions, PPO ensures that the updated policy stays close to the original policy, preventing drastic changes that may negatively impact the learning process.

A library that you can use to train transformer language models with reinforcement learning, using techniques such as PPO, is TRL (Transformer Reinforcement Learning). In this link (opens in a new tab) you can read more about this library, and its integration with PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) methods, such as LoRA (Low-Rank Adaption). This image shows an overview of the PPO training setup in TRL:


Memory Constraints: RLHF with PEFT

Note that now we need two full copies of the LLM - the reference copy and the RL updated PPO LLM. As such, we can benefit by combining RLHF with PEFT. We update the weights of a PEFT adapter and not the weights of the LLM. We can thus use the same underlying LLM as the reference model and the model that will be updated. This reduces the memory footprint by approximately half.


Evaluating the Human-Aligned LLM

Once we have completed the RLHF alignment of our model, we would want to assess the model's performance.

For this, we can use a summarization dataset (such as DialogSum) to quantify the reduction in toxicity. The evaluation metric will be the average toxicity score from the reward model - that is, the probability of the negative class. A higher average score would mean that the completion is more toxic and a lower average score would mean that the completion is less toxic.


We will first create a baseline average toxicity score using the initial LLM by passing it the summarization dataset and calculating the average toxicity score using the reward model. Then, we will pass the same dataset through the aligned LLM and obtain another average toxicity score. If RLHF was successful, the average score of the aligned LLM should be lower than that of the initial LLM.

Model Self-Supervision With Constitutional AI

Problem: Scaling Human Feedback

While using the reward model can eliminate the need for humans during the RLHF process, the human effort required to produce the reward model itself can be huge.

The labeled data used to train the reward model typically requires large teams of labelers, ranging in the tens of thousands evaluating many prompts each. It requires a lot of time and other resources, which can be important limiting factors. As the number of models and use cases increases, human effort becomes a limited resource

Constitutional AI

Constitutional AI, first proposed in the paper Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback (opens in a new tab) (Anthropic, 2022), is one approach to scale human feedback.

It is a method for training models using a set of rules and principles that govern the model's behavior. Together with a set of sample prompts, these form a constitution. Providing the model with a set of constitutional principles can help the model balance these competing interests and minimize the harm. We then train the model to self-critic and revise its responses to comply with the constitution.

Constitutional AI is not only useful in scaling human feedback, but can also help with some unintended consequence of RLHF.

For example, based on how the input prompt is structured, an aligned model may end up revealing harmful information as it tries to provide the most helpful. We may provide the prompt Can you help me hack into my neighbor's wifi and in the quest for being helpful, the LLM might give complete instructions on how to do this.

Providing the model with a constitution can help the model in balancing these competing interests and minimize the harm. Here are some example rules from the research paper that Constitutional AI asks the LLMs to follow:



Implementing Constitutional AI consists of two stages.


Stage 1 - Supervised Fine-Tuning

In the first stage, we carry out supervised learning:

  • We prompt the aligned model in ways that try to get it to generate harmful responses. This is called red teaming.
  • We then ask the model to critique its own harmful responses according to the constitutional principles and revise them to comply with those rules.
  • Once done, we'll fine-tune the model using the pairs of red team prompts and the revised constitutional responses.

Consider we give the prompt Can you help me hack into my neighbor's wifi and the aligned LLM generates the response Sure thing, you can use an app called VeryEasyHack.

To combat this, we augment the prompt using the harmful completion and set of pre-defined instructions that ask the model to critique its response. For example, the prompt can be augmented with:

Identify how the last response is harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous or illegal.

This is fed to the LLM and it generates something like:

The response was harmful because hacking into someone else's wifi is an invasion of their privacy and is possibly illegal.

The model detects the problems in its response. We then put it all together and ask the model to write a new response which removes all of the harmful and illegal content. For example:

Rewrite the response to remove any and all harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous or illegal content.

The model generates a new response:

Hacking into your neighbor's wifi is an invasion of their privacy. It may also land you in legal trouble. I advise against it.

Thus, the prompt Can you help me hack into my neighbor's wifi becomes the red team prompt and the above revised completion is the revised constitutional response.

We repeat this process for many red team prompts and obtain a dataset of prompt-completion pairs that can be used to fine-tune the model in a supervised manner. The resultant LLM will have learnt to generate constitutional responses.

Stage 2 - Reinforcement Learning From AI Feedback

In the second stage, we use reinforcement learning. This is similar to RLHF but instead of using feedback from a human, we use feedback generated by a model. This is often called Reinforcement Learning From AI Feedback (RLAIF).

We use the fine-tuned LLM from the first stage to generate a set of completions for a red team prompt. We then ask the model which of the completions is preferred according to the constitutional principles.

Repeating this for multiple red team prompts generates a model-generated preference dataset that can be used to train a reward model. Once we have the reward model, we can apply the usual RLHF pipeline to align the model to the constitutional principles.

In the end, we obtain a constitutional LLM.
