Artificial Intelligence 🤖
Limits & Continuity


We introduce the concept of limits with the example of tangent lines and, consequently, rates of change. Consider a function y=f(x)y=f(x), as shown in Fig. 2.1. Two points are indicated, P\mathrm{P} and Q\mathrm{Q} with xx-coordinates at xx and x+Δxx+\Delta x, respectively. Suppose we wanted to find the slope of the line tangent, shown in green in Fig. 2.1, to y=f(x)y=f(x) at xx (this is the meaning of the derivative). To look for the slope at PP, we can start with the secant line going through points P\mathrm{P} and Q\mathrm{Q}, shown in blue in Fig. 2.1. The secant line has slope,

f(x+Δx)f(x)(x+Δx)x=f(x+Δx)f(x)Δx.\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{(x+\Delta x)-x}=\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x} .

We can perhaps see that we can approximate the tangent line at P\mathrm{P} by moving the point Q\mathrm{Q} to the left, towards PP thus decreasing the distance Δx\Delta x. In the limit Δx0\Delta x \rightarrow 0, we have

limΔx0f(x+Δx)f(x)Δx\lim _{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}

which gives the slope of the tangent line at P. In Eq. (2.2), we take the limit of a quantity as Δx\Delta x gets closer to 0 .

More generally, the limit of f(x)f(x) is a finite number, LL as xx approaches some number aa

limxaf(x)=L\lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x)=L

provided that f(x)f(x) approaches LL for all xx sufficiently close to aa from both sides; i.e. from the left (denoted as xax \rightarrow a^{-}) and from the right (denoted as xa+x \rightarrow a^{+}). An alternative notation for denoting limits is f(x)Lf(x) \rightarrow L as xax \rightarrow a.

Or, more formally, a limit is defined as:

Definition 1.1 Let x=ax=a be a point in the domain of g(x)g(x). Then,

limxag(x)=L,\lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x)=L,

if for every number ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there exists some number, δ>0\delta>0 such that,

g(x)L<ϵ whenever xa<δ.|g(x)-L|<\epsilon \quad \text { whenever } \quad|x-a|<\delta .

Notice that we do not say that xx is equal to aa; we say xx approaches a (either from the left or from the right). At x=ax=a, we do not get the limit but, instead, we get the value g(a)g(a). Of course we can see from the graph that g(a)=Lg(a)=L so why do we really need to worry about the numbers ϵ\epsilon and δ\delta ? At this point let us define continuity: we can only plug the limit into the function if the function is continuous (see Definition 1.2).

A function g(x)g(x) is said to be continuous at x=ax=a if,

limxag(x)=g(a).\lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x)=g(a) .

Further, the function is said to be continuous on an interval, I\mathcal{I} if it is continuous at every point on the interval.


When studying limits, we are concerned with the function around the point x=ax=a and not with the actual point x=ax=a. It is possible that the function is not defined at a particular point but the limit as the point is approached, is finite. For instance, consider the function


Figure 2.1: The graph of a function y=f(x)y=f(x) showing two points P=(x,f(x))\mathrm{P}=(x, f(x)) and Q=(x+Δx,f(x+Δx))\mathrm{Q}=(x+\Delta x, f(x+\Delta x)). The line in green is the tangent line at point P\mathrm{P}. The line in blue is a secant line between the points P\mathrm{P} and Q.

where f(1)f(1) is undefined; however a graph of the function [see Fig. 2.2(a)] shows that f(x)2f(x) \rightarrow 2 as x1x \rightarrow 1. To evaluate the limit of f(x)f(x) as x1x \rightarrow 1, we write 3{ }^{3}

f(x)=(x1)(x+1)x1=x+1, for x1f(x)=\frac{(x-1)(x+1)}{x-1}=x+1, \quad \text { for } \quad x \neq 1

This approaches 2 as xx approaches 1 , hence

limx1x21x1=2\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} \frac{x^{2}-1}{x-1}=2

So, while f(1)f(1) is not defined ( x=1x=1 is not in the domain and y=2y=2 is not in the range of ff ) the limitx1f(x)\operatorname{limit}_{x \rightarrow 1} f(x) exists. This is not always the case of course. As another example consider the function


and suppose we want to evaluate limx1f(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} f(x) as before. We can see from the graph of the function in Fig. 2.2(b) that the limit does not exist as the function has a vertical asymptote at x=1x=1 (shown by a vertical, dotted line). In order for a limit to exist, the function must be settling down to a single finite value as we approach the point.

Limits can be taken as xx \rightarrow \infty or xx \rightarrow-\infty. Some examples are given next.

limx1x=0,limxx2+1x2+2=1,limxtan1x=π2.\lim _{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{x}=0, \quad \lim _{x \rightarrow-\infty} \frac{x^{2}+1}{x^{2}+2}=1, \quad \lim _{x \rightarrow \infty} \tan ^{-1} x=\frac{\pi}{2} .

3{ }^{3} L'Hôpital's rule (see Section 2.3) can also be used here.



Figure 2.2: (a) The graph of a function y=f(x)y=f(x) where f(x)=(x21)/(x1)f(x)=\left(x^{2}-1\right) /(x-1). The circle marker at x=1,y=2x=1, y=2 represents the point in xx at which the function is not defined. The point x=1x=1 is not in the domain of ff; further, the point y=2y=2 is not in the range of ff. The marked point is the limit given by limx1f(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} f(x). The limit as x1x \rightarrow 1 is finite even though f(1)f(1) is undefined. (b) The graph of a function y=f(x)y=f(x) where f(x)=(x2+1)/(x1)f(x)=\left(x^{2}+1\right) /(x-1). The function is not defined at x=1x=1 and the limitlimx1f(x)\operatorname{limit}^{\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} f(x)} does not exist. The dotted line at x=1x=1 is a vertical asymptote.

Note that for the last function above, the limit is obvious from Fig. 1.3(b) which shows that the range of y=tan1(x)y=\tan ^{-1}(x) is π/2<x<π/2-\pi / 2<x<\pi / 2. The limit xx \rightarrow \infty is the same as letting 1/x0+1 / x \rightarrow 0^{+}; therefore one can transform an infinite limit to a non-infinite limit, as follows:

limx1x=lim1/x0+1x=lims0+s=0,\lim _{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{x}=\lim _{1 / x \rightarrow 0^{+}} \frac{1}{x}=\lim _{s \rightarrow 0^{+}} s=0,

where s=1/xs=1 / x.


Consider the function y=H(x)y=H(x) given by

H(x)={0 if x<01 if x0H(x)= \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } x<0 \\ 1 & \text { if } x \geq 0\end{cases}

with its graph shown in Fig. 2.3 for x[4,4]x \in[-4,4]. This function is a piecewise-defined function called the Heaviside function or step function often denoted by H0(x)H_{0}(x). The function has a jump at x=0x=0 and is said to be discontinuous at x=0x=0 (for more details on continuity, see Section 2.4). Recall from Chapter 1, that a function must be single-valued, i.e. each point in D\mathcal{D} is sent to a uniquely defined point in R\mathcal{R}. For this reason we have H(x)=0H(x)=0 for x<0x<0 and H(x)=1H(x)=1 for x0x \geq 0.

Now suppose we want to evaluate the limit,

limx0H(x).\lim _{x \rightarrow 0} H(x) .

We can see from the graph that if x0x \rightarrow 0^{-}i.e. if 0 is approached from the left, y0y \rightarrow 0 while, if x0+,y1x \rightarrow 0^{+}, y \rightarrow 1 (note how in the limit given by (2.6), we used x0x \rightarrow 0 as opposed to x0±x \rightarrow 0^{ \pm}). However, the function needs to approach a single value when the point (here, this is 0)) is approached from both sides. Therefore, the lim\varlimsup limit (2.6) does not exist or, more particularly, the two-sided limit does not exist. It is possible to define one-sided limits; the right-handed limit

limxa+H(x)=L,\lim _{x \rightarrow a^{+}} H(x)=L,

says the limit is LL for all xx sufficiently close to aa with x>ax>a. The left-handed limit

limxaH(x)=L\lim _{x \rightarrow a^{-}} H(x)=L

says the limit is LL for all xx sufficiently close to aa with x<ax<a. For the function in Eq. (2.5)(2.5),

limx0+H(x)=1 and limx0H(x)=0\lim _{x \rightarrow 0^{+}} H(x)=1 \quad \text { and } \quad \lim _{x \rightarrow 0^{-}} H(x)=0

Figure 2.3: A graph of the Heaviside function y=H(x)y=H(x) given by Eq. (2.5). A solid marker indicates that the endpoint x=0x=0 is included while a hollow marker indicates that it is not included.


Here we outline several rules that hold for limits based on the assumption that limxaf(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x) and limxag(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x) exist.

I. limxa[cf(x)]=climxaf(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow a}[c f(x)]=c \lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x), where cc is a constant.

II. limxa[f(x)±g(x)]=limxaf(x)±limxag(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow a}[f(x) \pm g(x)]=\lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x) \pm \lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x).

III. limxa[f(x)g(x)]=limxaf(x)limxag(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow a}[f(x) g(x)]=\lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x) \lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x).

IV. limxa[f(x)g(x)]=limxaf(x)limxag(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow a}\left[\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}\right]=\frac{\lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x)}{\lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x)}, provided limxag(x)0\lim _{x \rightarrow a} g(x) \neq 0. V. limxa[f(x)]n=[limxaf(x)]n\lim _{x \rightarrow a}[f(x)]^{n}=\left[\lim _{x \rightarrow a} f(x)\right]^{n}, where nn is any real number. For integer nn, this is a generalisation of the product rule given by Property III.

We also have that limxac=c\lim _{x \rightarrow a} c=c, i.e. the limit of a constant is just the constant and limxax=a\lim _{x \rightarrow a} x=a; these results are easy to see by plotting the graphs of the functions f(x)=cf(x)=c and f(x)=xf(x)=x.