Artificial Intelligence 🤖
Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The best way to illustrate these concepts is by example. Suppose that we are interested in examining if a particular coin is biased. We start by establishing a null hypothesis, which represents the 'no effect' case, and therefore corresponds to the hypothesis that the coin is fair. That is we can define H0≡P(H_{0} \equiv P( heads) =0.5=0.5 (note that this is sort of an assertion that we will subsequently test, much like assuming an underlying value for some parameter of a population).

Our alternative hypothesis, on the other hand, is that the coin is biased, and therefore H1≡P(H_{1} \equiv P( heads )≠) \neq 0.5. Note that H0H_{0} and H1H_{1} share no outcomes, that is H0∩H1=∅H_{0} \cap H_{1}=\emptyset.

The null hypothesis, H0H_{0}, represents the status quo - the 'no change', 'no effect' case.

The alternative hypothesis (H1)\left(H_{1}\right), on the other hand, represents our suspicions about possible changes, differences or effects.

Examples of Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Reaction rates

Claim: New method alters the reaction rate θ\theta.

Null hypothesis: reaction rate is the same using both methods H0:θold =θnew H_{0}: \theta_{\text {old }}=\theta_{\text {new }}

Alternative hypothesis: reaction rate is different H1:θold ≠θnew H_{1}: \theta_{\text {old }} \neq \theta_{\text {new }}

  1. Average male height

Claim: The average male height is 177.8 cm177.8 \mathrm{~cm}

Null hypothesis: H0:T=177.8 cmH_{0}: T=177.8 \mathrm{~cm}

Alternative hypothesis: H1:T≠177.8 cmH_{1}: T \neq 177.8 \mathrm{~cm}

  1. Male vs. female height

Claim: The average male height is different from the average female height.

Null hypothesis: H0:TM=TFH_{0}: T_{M}=T_{F}

Alternative hypothesis: H1:TM≠TFH_{1}: T_{M} \neq T_{F}

  1. Women vs. men longevity

Claim: Women live longer than men, on average.

Null hypothesis: women live as long as men do H0:Twomen =Tmen H_{0}: T_{\text {women }}=T_{\text {men }}

Alternative hypothesis: women live longer than men H1:Twomen >Tmen H_{1}: T_{\text {women }}>T_{\text {men }}

Note: The last case is an example of a composite hypothesis, which illustrates the point that hypotheses need not be opposite (just mutually exclusive), but requires a slightly different statistical treatment than the other three cases (simple hypotheses). We discuss the peculiarities later in this chapter.